Web Design for Wellness Businesses



Where Less Becomes More.

Brands rooted in purpose don’t need overstated visuals to stand out. We pair simple aesthetics with timeless designs that embody the deeper mission behind your work. Let’s ditch the extras and distill your brand down to its richest elements! We’ll bring out the undeniable YOU-ness that makes your brand irresistible! 

Think tea. It’s a simple classic, unique, bold, and totally addicting– just like your brand can be!

Get in Touch

There are many ways we can collaborate, whether it is an amazing site that reflects your visions or a brand partnership.


Custom designs with modernized simplicity in mind. Espoir Legacy specializes in brand identities and web design and development.


Have something in mind? Let's us know and we can bring it to life.

Let’s Create Together

At Espoir Legacy, we just don’t make things look good just because we make sure your website converts and your brand attracts. Here is why each service type is right for you:

To attract your ideal audience, you need a strong and beautiful brand. I design custom brands to help clients sell their products or services better by giving them an unforgettable look that speaks volumes about who they are as people!

The design of your website can make or break the success rate in converting visitors into customers. If they are having difficulty navigating around, then chances are higher that these potential clients will leave and go elsewhere for their product/service needs– so it’s important to ensure you have an easy-to-understand interface with all content clearly displayed! 

The look and feel of your online presence should be consistent across all channels to help you grow an audience. With my artistic background, I can create a strong brand design that will make people want more from the company in both their services, products and overall voice.


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